Danka Kordas - potrait photography - all you need to know

About me

I'm highly sensitive and intuitive. Observant.
I like looking at people.
My curiosity made me a portrait photographer.

I remember how
it all began.

One summer, in my university days, I went for a ride in the countryside with a camera in my backpack.

I was cycling down a road that I knew well when I saw a path that we never used. I followed the feeling of excitement at something new and refreshing down the path with a sense of joy in doing things my way!

There, off the beaten track, I felt I was in the right place.
The right place because it was different. And because I could stop to observe.
I was among fields of wheat that touched the sky and accompanied by summer blue and red flowers. I got off the bike, lay on the ground and started taking photos.
I was looking at the world from a new perspective.

After, I talked to people in the village and took their portraits. I felt a sparkle in my heart – and I got a taste for how it feels to do what you love.
Sometime later, I saw a poster on the wall advertising a photography course. My whole body responded to it and even now I can reconnect to that feeling.
I knew it was my way.

My work as a photographer is to make you stop for long enough to look at yourself,
spend time with yourself, and see yourself through another perspective.
To take a step forward in embracing who you are.

You can choose how you want to be photographed. And for that moment, you can take up all the space you want. Be present.
After, you take home both the photographs and the feelings that go with them.
You can choose what you want to do with them too.

You can hang them in your home to celebrate your beauty and literally take up space every day. Or hide them in a cabinet and keep them for whenever you need to reconnect with that part of yourself.
Portrait photographs are different.
Nothing detracts from your eyes, from who you are. It's just you.
Your portraits will help you to see yourself and be seen by others.